features.h File Reference

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Detailed Description

Defines on whether to include algorithm variants.

Less variants reduce executable size and compile time. This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library.

Definition in file features.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


Include parallel dynamically load-balanced quicksort.

See also

Definition at line 55 of file features.h.


Include the equal-sized blocks variant for std::find.

See also

Definition at line 67 of file features.h.


Include the equal splitting variant for std::find.

See also

Definition at line 74 of file features.h.


Include the growing blocks variant for std::find.

See also

Definition at line 61 of file features.h.


Include parallel multi-way mergesort.

See also

Definition at line 41 of file features.h.


Include parallel unbalanced quicksort.

See also

Definition at line 48 of file features.h.


Include the dynamic balancing variant for _Rb_tree::insert_unique(_IIter beg, _IIter __end).

See also

Definition at line 91 of file features.h.


In order to sort the input sequence of _Rb_tree::insert_unique(_IIter beg, _IIter __end) a full copy of the input elements is done.

See also

Definition at line 100 of file features.h.


Include the initial splitting variant for _Rb_tree::insert_unique(_IIter beg, _IIter __end).

See also

Definition at line 83 of file features.h.